Irish Cocker Spaniel Shirt
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If anything, it was her moral outrage at the social inequities in capitalist society that she wanted to be remembered for and the work she did to remove these inequities, work so that we too should be outraged and do something about these outrages – but instead our textbooks turn a blind-eye and stop up our ears to her life’s work and message while painting a halo around both her and her teacher. A halo so bright that it hides the truth with its glare.
From Shop Funny Shirt
If anything, it was her moral outrage at the social inequities in capitalist society that she wanted to be remembered for and the work she did to remove these inequities, work so that we too should be outraged and do something about these outrages – but instead our textbooks turn a blind-eye and stop up our ears to her life’s work and message while painting a halo around both her and her teacher. A halo so bright that it hides the truth with its glare.
From Shop Funny Shirt
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