Fist annual wkrp thanksgiving day turkey drop with les nessman november 22 1978 shirt
buy it: Fist annual wkrp thanksgiving day turkey drop with les nessman november 22 1978 shirt
Social structure: This may be the most important requirement for domesticates. The best candidates for domestication live in herds, maintain a clear herd hierarchy, and overlap ranges with other herds rather than having exclusive ranges. Here humans just take over the top of the hierarchy. They literally become the herd leader (think “Dog Whisperer”).
From Shop Funny Shirt
Social structure: This may be the most important requirement for domesticates. The best candidates for domestication live in herds, maintain a clear herd hierarchy, and overlap ranges with other herds rather than having exclusive ranges. Here humans just take over the top of the hierarchy. They literally become the herd leader (think “Dog Whisperer”).
From Shop Funny Shirt
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