Yes I know what I look like right now No i don’t care chicken shirt

buy it: Yes I know what I look like right now No i don’t care chicken shirt

This was a really hot and sweet read in a few areas it was a little rushed but over all it was a really enjoyable read. The heat was amazing just enough not over the top and the progression of the relationship was very believable. Definitely would recommend reading this one. But fantasy bleeds toward horror in that The Outsider touches Shiva in her Yes I know what I look like right now No i don’t care chicken shirt, and could this make Shiva an Outsider, too? And then the Outsider is decapitated (sorry for the light spoiler, but you wanted to know that the creepy Outsider would have to carry his head around, if he’s scary and possibly bad, and would have to pay for his possible badness, right?), so that qualifies as horror, right? The impact of this manga gets largely carried by the darkly beautiful pen and ink art, where atmosphere dominates explanation, where some macabre world-building is still going on at the expense of plot clarity, but now I’m in, so I‘ll be patient.

From Shop Funny Shirt


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