Cute Nana Saurus shirt

buy it: Cute Nana Saurus shirt

It had two amazing characters - Mercury was one of a kind and Gaga was so, so adorable (his voice narrated the story and it was charming) -- action on the side (they were fighting zombies!), hot chemistry, easy flowing Cute Nana Saurus shirt dialogs and lines, and sweet sensual sex. I wish I could stay with them a bit longer -- I want to know whether they finally make it to Canada, is it really cold there for zombies?? In fantasy book and, Mercury and I would be besties. Anyone who refers to themselves as the "Yellow Rose of Texas, the Piece of Ass-o from El Paso" and/or "Papi" and is totally comfortable wearing a tube top is just begging to be my friend. He also seems to have no problem with pole dancing, cursing and rolls with an arsenal. Seriously. We'd be tight. Plus, that bitch entertains the fuck outta me and we talk pretty much exactly alike.

From Shop Funny Shirt


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